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Capital:  Montevideo

Currency:  Uruguayan peso (symbol: $), code UYU

Language:  Spanish; English spoken in the city.

ATM Networks: Common in large and small cities.

Electricity:  220V, 50Hz with Type C, Type F and Type L olugs.

Internet:  57% slower than in U.S.  WiFi coverage is high.

Water:  Safe to drink depending on city and location

Tipping:  Customary usually 10%

© 2020



Uruguay has a climate that is warm, with rainfall evenly distributed throughout the year. Temperatures rarely fall below freezing and range from 10 to 16 degrees Celsius (50 - 60° Fahrenheit) during the winter in June to September. During summer (December to March) temperatures range from 21 to 28 degrees Celsius (70 ? 82° Fahrenheit).

Uruguay can also suffer from several natural weather hazards, for example floods and droughts. It also occasionally experiences the pamper, this is a cold and sometimes violent wind which blows north from the Argentine pampas.

 ARGENTINA      l      CHILE      l      COLOMBIA      l       COSTA RICA      l      ECUADOR      l      PANAMA      l      PERU      l      URUGUAY